Sunday, October 17, 2010

Monday in Seoul.....

It's Sunday evening again, but it's Monday in Seoul!   A new week has started there.  It seems now I look forward to Monday's.  OMGoodness, what has happened  to me?!  I'm so consumed by the thought of the US Embassy being 'open for business' on Monday morning this Sunday evening!  I know friends and family think I've lost my mind.  I'm getting to where I'm not focused, seem confused, can't concentrate, and dazed most of the time.  I can't hear straight, my mind races when I wake up first thing in the morning,  and it's hard to go to sleep at night.  What has happened to me?  Isn't there some kind of diagnosis that goes along with this kind of behavior?  No....I'm just an adopted parent.  Do others feel this way?  Probably.... Is it bad when you answer your own questions?  Yes.....

I'm sure nothing of what I just claimed is any different than any other adopted moms.  So why can't I snap out of it?  (at this point, I'm sure you all think I've lost it too right?)  We are so close to finding out if we're going to be bringing Aiden home this year, the quota thing again.  It's that darn Emigration Permit thing again.

If I seem lost, just turn me in the right direction I need to go and push!  I'll get there eventually!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's called mommy-I-tis :)
    Concentrating is hard, even up to the end. On Monday while walking the dog, I was almost run over by a car that was backing out of a driveway because I was wondering if we'd ever get out TC. It came that afternoon.
    Hang in there & watch out for traffic ;)
    Tina (tina&eric from the BB)
