Friday, December 3, 2010

Just got 'em today!!!

I casually looked at email this morning and BAMB --there in the subject line was  "WBC for November and photos"!  New pictures of Aiden - YAH!  I clicked as fast as my clicker would click and there he was.  The first picture I saw was this one:
Bless his little heart, he'd been crying when they took this!  He has changed so much since I last saw a photo, I can't stand it!  I want to pick him up and hug him so much!  The clothes he's wearing are Korean.  Notice the cute little suspenders!  CUTE!! :)  First a blue jean jacket, and now suspenders!  My kid is cool! lol 

Next, was this darling photo.  The lady in the photo is his Foster Mother.  I had to blur out her face for privacy reasons, but he's so darn cute!!
These items were in his second care package I sent!  I am so very thankful to get this photo of him and his care package!  The little toy he's holding is a fabric photo album that has our pictures in it.  I'm coming Aiden, you hang on sweetie!! :)

When I looked at the email, there were only two pictures there, but the subject said WBC for November.  I emailed MC, our contact at Holt International and she emailed the WBC file to us with a little note that said: "Sorry, guess I forgot to attach the WBC, got carried away with the photos, he is so cute."  I opened the file and this is what I saw.  Aiden is around 22 lbs, 28 inches tall, and it looks like he's drinking 6 oz every 4 hours, not sure on the last one there.  Koreans measure in kilograms, centimeters, and cubic centimeters.  I had to convert to lbs, inches, and oz.  It says Aiden is also doing lots of things, lots of movement from this little one!  It says he's walking while holding on to furniture, so at least I know he's not running around everywhere!  


  1. Oh my gosh! LEAH!!! HE IS SO CUTE! He weighs 3 more than Zoe!!!! Congrats, mama! Your kid is TOTALLY COOL! Jacket, suspenders and WAY CUTE! Hang in there mama, I just know he'll be in your arms soon!

  2. I'm so glad you received this today. It'll make for a great weekend! He is SO cute!

  3. So cute!!! He has changed quite a bit hasn't he! I'm so glad you got more pics! I hope we will get more when Evelyn gets her 2nd care package too!

  4. Oh so sweet! Just what you needed! He will be in your arms soon!!

  5. Gabe's 22 lbs. too! Come on January! Get here already!

  6. He is just beautiful! That first picture just makes you want to snuggle him. Soo cute!!
