Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Travel Call!!!!!!!

Yep, that's right!! Lisa called me today at 12:15 our time!  I was standing in line at our bank and my cell rang. I looked at the caller ID and it said Holt International.  I was waiting on the teller to get back with some info so I couldn't walk outside to answer it.  So, I answered it. Lisa said, "is this Leah?" I said, "yyyeeeessssssss", she laughed a little and said "your son is ready to travel"!!!  At least I think that's what she said!  Honestly, I really don't remember that much about the first part.  I knew it was the call when I saw Holt International on the ID! So I had 2 seconds to freak out before I even heard her voice!!  All I know is, it was Lisa from Holt on the phone and  then we're talking about everything else, travel plans, email with all the info, etc!!

After the bank, I called my parents, called Mike's parents and texted Travel Call to a few, and went home to see what was next.  Oh yeah,  actually making Travel plans - duh!  Called our travel agency, went through a lot of flights, everything from Nashville to Chicago was full, and most to South Korea was full. Okay, work some magic Erle! Then checked flights out of Atlanta.  Okay, now you're talking! After about 15 minutes, got our flights locked in and then forwarded the itinerary to Mike so he could check them out.  He called me after what seemed like an hour. (I think it was only 20 minutes, but I was at "freak-out" state of mind at that point!) I needed one of those disclaimer signs for my state of mind:  Please disregard future abrupt comments from this Adoptive Parent, she just received her Travel Call.  Thank you and have a nice day.

Mike "approved" the travel plans, meanwhile he had dealings at work he had to take care of.  Leaving the country in 3 days might take some minor juggling!  He got it done.  Thanks to his understanding boss at work!   Now, back on the phone with Erle.  Yes, now lets get those flights confirmed!!  YES!

Okay, our  flight itinerary was emailed to Holt, Lisa sent it to Korea, they should contact Lisa with hotel reservations, driver, etc hopefully by tomorrow! we're getting somewhere!  Flights - check! Waiting on hotel reservations to be confirmed, should hear that tomorrow sometime.  So we're leaving in 3 days...... 3 days!!! What?! Can't believe I just typed that!

Lisa emailed me after confirming flights with Erle.  Her email said city tour on Wed and pick up on Thurs?  I emailed back said Yes!  So Wednesday in Seoul we'll have a tour guide to show us around Seoul  -AWESOME! Then on Thursday - we get Aiden!!   This little guy!




  2. Reading this makes me cry tears of joy for you! Can't wait!!!

  3. LEAH!!! I really get to meet you in person next week in SEOUL!!! Can you believe it!!! We are really going!! Our babies are coming home in a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Excited for you!!! Joyce called to tell me about it, so of course I had to read your blog about it! This little guy will be sooo loved!

  5. Martha Baermann, GermanyFebruary 24, 2011 at 2:45 AM

    Hello to you,
    want to say, I`m happy for you.
    Have a good trip to Seoul!
    Love Martha

  6. Congratulations again my friend! So happy for you! The day has finally come that you will hold little Aiden in your arms! Praise God!

  7. YAY! I will be praying for Aiden's safe journey HOME! CONGRATS!

  8. Woo hoo! Congratulations! Can't wait to see pics of that sweet boy in your arms!

  9. Congrats, Leah! I'm so excited for you and can't wait for updates and pictures from Korea! :)
