Thanksgiving was great. Good food, good time with family, it was great. I'm so glad it's over now! :) That's one major holiday down, one more to go till next year. Yes, I'm wishing these holidays to pass, which makes no sense to most I'm sure. I knew this would happen. After the EP mishap (see earlier posts), I knew what I would do - wish my holidays to pass quickly so next year would get here and they'd (Korea) start processing again! I hate that I'm doing that, really I do, but I can't help it! It's just how my mind works - dang it!
So I'm not really looking forward to Christmas as much as I was this summer (thinking Aiden would be home for Christmas). Tay wanted to put up the tree last night, I on the other hand was not too thrilled with the task. But with Mike's help, thank goodness, it's all up, out, and on! Here's a sneak peak of the outside.
I'm sure most have heard about the attack on South Korea by North Korea. For us AP's (Adopted Parents), we're all over it trying to hear the latest news. We're all worried about our babies over there, we're all worried about how it's going to affect our adoptions. Our agency has assured us there's nothing to worry about, and that it's all regular life as usual over there. But we'd all feel so much better if there was peace, so North Korea, if you would please, stop being a BULLY! Thank you, and have a nice day! :)
So now that I'm not working till the beginning of next year, I've found a few "Christmas projects" to keep me busy. I've started on one of them. I've finished step one and I'm having to wait on step two, hopefully it'll just take another week or so to get that finished, then I can work on the final step, putting them all together. Since my one project is stalled a bit, I'd like to start on the other Christmas project. I'm going to try and make it from a picture, so I have no clue as to how it's going to turn out, but I'm trying it nonetheless! Oh, these "projects" are my little secret for now. I'll post pictures later when they're finished. I love a big fat secret!! ;)