Sunday, February 13, 2011

To my fellow AP's (Adoptive Parents).....

This is dedicated to my fellow AP's.  You ladies and a few gents  have been a world of info, support, direction, and sanity through this whole process.  As the rest of us wait, somewhat impatiently (speaking of myself!), to hear word that our children are ready to travel and come home, I can't help but to look back at all the wonderful advice that we've had.  I so look forward to hearing of each one's travels, adventures in Seoul, meeting their children, and finally, making it home.  We are so lucky to be able to bring these sweet babies home to us, to love them and take care of them.  I am so amazed some days where this journey has taken us, where we've come from, and where we'll go.  I have met some amazing ladies and some gents along the way.  I've learned some of their stories from heartaches to triumphs!  It doesn't take a special  person to adopt, just a loving person.  And for the ones who are home, I am in awe of you.  So here's to you AP's, CONGRATS and THANK YOU for your inspiration!!  YOU are AWESOME!!