Wednesday, November 3, 2010

No Emigration Permit for Aiden

No EP for Aiden this year.  Just found out earlier today by email.  No more EP's issued this year.  They (South Korea) have their quota.  So now, we will miss Aiden's first Christmas, his first birthday, and it may be Feb or March of 2011 before we know if he's coming home.  I am devastated.  I can't even talk about it.

A Korean Forum mom, just found out today they made the cut, they will receive their EP for their adorable little girl.  I am truly happy for them, (P-I really am!)  but at the same time I am devastated. I know some of you are thinking, "what's a couple of more months?"  Imagine deciding you wanted something more than anything else in this world.  So you make a plan.  You start the process and follow through with all the steps that are required.  Yes, there are bumps and potholes in the road, dips, and curves, but finally  you're on your way and it feels great!

Then, imagine you figure out you are so close to reaching your goal, what you've wanted more than anything.  All those emotions you've kept on hold  for 3 1/2 years.  All of that leading up to being told Sorry to inform you.......


  1. Leah, I am so, SO sorry that this has happened. As an adoptive parent I understand your pain. I think what also makes it difficult is that with a July referral, not getting an EP is the last thing you would think could happen.

    When I was making my travel plans, ML told me about her brother's wedding (that obviously she had to be at). If I got my TC by Sept 30th, then we would have left a few days later. But if was ONE day later (Oct 1st) then I would have to wait until Oct 12th to leave. And wouldn't you know it, my call came the morning of Oct 1st. I know 12 days doesn't sound like a long time, but it felt like an eternity to me. But somehow those days passed by... and these next few months will too - even though they will be really hard, no doubt.

    What helped me get through it, was thinking that with the 'extra wait' on my part - maybe Charlie needed that time to gain more weight, or get healthier, or maybe it was to help prepare his little heart for leaving his foster family. What ever it is you need to tell yourself to get through this part - DO IT! What ever you can do right now to make yourself feel good - DO IT!

    This is a loss, so treat is as so, but know that there IS an end in sight. This won't be another holiday season that Aiden missed, but it will be the last one without him - and celebrate that!

    Hang in there, and if you need anything, or just want to vent, I'm just an email away :)

  2. My heart is breaking for you. I am sorry that you received this news today and hope that in the months of come you will find some peace in knowing that Aiden will come home to you...he WILL be with you enjoying that adorable room that you have waiting for him. I know it is so hard to hear right now, so feel what you are feeling. I understand your pain and frustration.
    So sorry,
    Kelly (Nora's mom from the Holt BB)

  3. I am so sorry! I've been in contact with our agency and they have no idea about our ep status. They won't even ask, so I have no idea if we have it or not. Sooo frustrating how agencies can be so different. Have you heard anything about SWS??

  4. Leah, I'm so sorry. Just know that God is in control and I pray that he will comfort your family right now. This too shall pass and I promise, when you are holding lil' Aiden, all this will be a distant memory for you. I know it's painful right now, but hang on it will soon all be over and you will be celebrating every holiday and birthday with Aiden. Praying for you. :)Teresa

  5. This is so ridiculous and unfair. Honestly, it is just DUMB too. Serves to benefit no one and just ultimately hurts the babies. I would be SUPER upset too, like beyond angry. You have every right.
